Are you wondering what you can expect to learn by enrolling in a massage therapy school in Austin? The answer to that question varies based upon where you enroll, how long courses are, and what it intends to offer. No two schools offer the same exact curriculum or field of experience. Therefore, it’s up to
Beauty College
Selecting the Best Training Programs for Your Spa
Tips From a Massage Therapy School in Austin, TX You’ve thought of the concept, the theme, the location, and the design of your spa. You also have a solid business plan and basing from the fact that more and more people are understanding the importance of relaxation, you know that you can attract as many customers
Why You CAN Go Back to School With Kids
Going back to school can be a challenging task, and it can be especially daunting to consider if you have children. Gaining new skills and experience through further education is possible, however, and may even enrich your relationship with your children. Here are three reasons you can go back to beauty school with kids: Financial
What Being Your Own Boss Really Means in Beauty
Are you drawn to the beauty industry? You might find the possibility of a creative job that allows for independence and flexible hours appealing. But what does it mean to be your own boss in the beauty industry? Does it mean you need to own your own salon? Not always. Being your own boss in
Why Your Second Career Will be Better
When starting a new career, you may be filled with equal parts excitement and anxiety. Will your new career be what you’re hoping for? Are you leaving behind security? But there is room for optimism as well. Here are a few reasons why your second career will be better than the first: You have a
5 Things You Only Get After Going to Beauty College
So you’ve put in hours of teasing hair, contouring jaw lines, perfecting the rounded-square nail look, and now you’re armed with an artillery of astounding beauty techniques that set you apart from the crowd. They say that once something has been learned it can’t be unlearned, so whether you’ve already graduated, or you’re on your
3 Reasons Men Go to Beauty College
Every day the world is progressing in new and exciting ways. In the past, many men may have been turned off of the idea of working in the beauty industry for fear of negative perceptions, and thinking that there just isn’t enough demand for men in the industry. However, as times change clients are looking
Where Will the Esthetician Jobs Be in 2016?
Esthetician Job Description Most estheticians learn about their craft by entering post-secondary training programs after they finish high school. These courses teach a variety of different ways of taking care of the appearance of your clients, and some even teach you a little about how to run the business and customer service side of the
#TeamAve5 is a united family. We support each other and we applaud our successes and accomplishments, and that is why we’re coming together, along with the entire industry, to support the #IamAVisualArtist campaign. This empowering campaign aims to petition the Bank of England to add Vidal Sassoon’s name BACK onto the nominations list of those
Get To Know Our Rock Star Team – Joanna Ruley-Garza
Avenue Five is immensely proud to partner with MUD Make-Up Designory and be able to offer a unique, comprehensive 15-week Make-up Program. What’s equally as exciting, is that our newest team member, Joanna Ruley-Garza, just recently introduced the ways of MUD to the first group of AveFive’s talented young minds. We think it’s very fitting