Cosmetics manufacturing is a billion dollar industry and the customers are mostly women. But did you know that men should buy their share of these products, too? If your grooming ritual simply consists of using shampoo and a bar of soap while showering, it’s really time to up the ante. This is especially true if
Skin Care Tips
What Are The Different Methods of Exfoliation For Different Skin Types?
Exfoliation is the removal of the dead skin cells that cling to the epidermis, or outermost layer of the skin. By removing these cells, skin becomes healthy, smoother and more radiant. This process can be done through a variety of ways including facials, visits to the dermatologist or spa and at home. Individuals should pay
What Is Microdermabrasion And What Are Its Benefits For Skincare?
Microdermabrasion for skincare is an effective cosmetic procedure designed to smooth coarse skin and soften wrinkles and fine lines. Certain individuals also seek this treatment to reduce the appearance of scars and control age spots, the latter of which are unattractive skin blotches that are noticeably darker. In addition, the procedure helps skin pores to