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Cosmetology License Requirements in Texas

It is important to learn about the cosmetology licensing requirements in your state before you sign up for any beauty care course. This is because in addition to undergoing professional training in a good cosmetology school, you also need to attain the relevant license in order to practice cosmetology legally. Once you obtain your license, you can use your cosmetology skills and passion for hair, skin and nail care to pursue a successful career in the beauty industry.

Cosmetology License Requirements in Texas

Cosmetology licensing requirements vary from state to state. As such, if you want to work as a cosmetologist in the state of Texas, you need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • You must be at least seventeen years old and have attained a high school diploma or its equivalent.
  • You must complete a cosmetology course in a government approved/licensed beauty school. To find out which beauty schools in Texas have the necessary government approval, conduct a search at the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations (TDLR) offices or website.
  • Upon completion of your studies, you must provide proof that you completed a specific number of course hours that typically vary depending on the type of license you need. The following is an overview of the number of course hours required to get a license for various cosmetology licenses: Operator license requires1,500 hours, Shampoo certificate requires 150 hours, Esthetician and manicurist license requires 1200 hours, Manicurist license takes 600 hours, Esthetician license takes 750 hours to complete, Barber (Class A) license requires 350 hours
  • After you complete the minimum required course hours in your area of study, you need to make a formal application to the TDLR so that you can take the State exams (both written and practical). In order to obtain cosmetology licensure, you must pass these exams.
  • In case you studied in a cosmetology school in a different state, you can still get a Texas Cosmetology license if you can prove that the training you underwent is equivalent to the course hours students in Texas beauty schools have to complete. If the TDLR approves your licensing application, you will need to pass cosmetology exams set by the state cosmetology board before you get your license.


If you have a cosmetology license, you can explore the vast employment available opportunities in the beauty care industry. At Avenue Five Institute, our students stand a good chance of obtaining a cosmetology license that is vital for establishing a thriving career in the beauty care industry. This is because our institution has the necessary approval from the relevant State authorities. Moreover, we prepare our students adequately for the state board examinations and ensure that they complete the minimum training hours in their area of study so that they can meet the cosmetology license requirements in Texas.

11 thoughts on “Cosmetology License Requirements in Texas

  1. I was licensed for 20 plus years in Texas as a cosmetologist. Three years ago I retired and let my license go. May I pay a fine and have my license reinstated?

  2. I would like to be sent beauty programs or school (even online) that are state approved and board certified. Thanks.

  3. my new wife is from South America and went through training and was licenced in Venezuela. Any chance any of this licence could transfer to Texas?

  4. I have completed more than qualified hours needed I completed the entire course graduated took my written exam passed with 100% in 2010. Here it is 2017 and I have not yet taken my practical exam am I still eligible to take my exam or do I need to go back to school all over again…???????

    1. Hi Amber! I’m the Marketing and Social Media Manager here at Avenue Five. Thanks for contacting us! I would reach out to TDLR. They are best equipped to answer this question for you. If you have any other questions, please reach out to our admissions department, you can contact them at 512-968-2835 ext. 115 or at Good Luck!

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