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You CAN Open Your Own Spa! Here’s How

Brunette person happy to be starting their own spa business.

You’ve been giving your friends makeovers since you were three.  You always knew the best products for your friends and how to turn someone’s terrible and stressful day into peaceful day.  Now you’re all grown up and you’re still the go-to for all things peaceful and rejuvenating.  It’s time to make your entrepreneurial debut and open the best spa in town. Wondering how to get started?  Read on to get some inspiration.

Determine What Will Set You Apart From Other Spas

It is important to have unique offerings that will draw clients in, who are used to going to another spa. Look at your competition, and try to imagine what would make their spa even better, and then add that to your spas offerings.

Location, Location, Location!

Do you want your spa to be set in a peaceful countryside as a nice getaway?  Perhaps you might want your spa in a busy city, acting as a refuge for weary desk dwellers looking for a little break during their workweek.  Whatever your choice, make sure that you’re in a location that your ideal client will be able to easily access.

Find Some Working Capital

Maybe you already have savings put aside, in which case you’re all set!  But most people need a little help when starting a business.  Do a little research and look into various funding options like: bank loans, line of credit, and angel investors.  Be creative, and find out what financial solution will work best for you.

Begin Construction Buy Your Supplies

So you have your finances in order, so now it’s time to get the ball rolling with your spa.  Now is the time to find a building, sign a lease, get your utilities in order, and start building a collection of products and equipment for the services you will be offering.

Hire Employees

Look at your network of peers.  Chances are that if you are starting a spa, you likely know people in the industry.  Reach out to them and assess their skills and certifications, in addition to traditional methods of hiring with job postings.  Look for the best employees you can find, and provide them with the best work environment you can.

Promote the Spa Have a Bash

In addition to a breathtaking website, and traditional advertisements, you might want to consider hiring a PR firm to help spread the word of your new spa.  A great way of getting new customers in the door is by offering discounted services via LivingSocial, Groupon, and other discount websites.  Finally, have a party!  Everyone loves to celebrate, so spread the word by having the biggest bash in town – and don’t forget to invite the press!

Looking to gain the credentials necessary to starting your own spa? Contact us today to learn about our programs or to schedule a tour of the campus.

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