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10 Must Know Tips From Previous Cosmetology Students

Cosmetology StudentsOnce you have graduated from cosmetology school, you must take another big step. That is taking your State Board examination and previous cosmetology students can offer the best tips toward acing this test. Once this examination is passed, you will be licensed in cosmetology, as a manicurist, as an esthetician, and considered a professional within the beauty industry.

Each state has their own examination requirements, but many of them are transitioning to the National State Board exam. The National Board examination consists of two portions, one of which is a written multiple-choice test and the other portion is a practical test. Listed below are 10 tips from students who have been there and done it.

1)      You must continue to practice and study right up until the date of your examination. It is important to set aside plenty of time daily for your studies, as well as to keep yourself challenged so you are able to continuously beat the highest score you tested yourself at.

2)      If you find things difficult, do not avoid studying those topics. These are the topics you should be studying first, that way, the rest of what you are studying will go that much smoother.

3)      If you have friends you can study with, do this as often as possible. Not only will they help you test yourself, but also it will make the studying experience more enjoyable and fun.

4)      The practical examination must be performed step-by-step in an exact order of operations. Therefore, you must memorize these steps by practicing them over and over again.

5)      The best way to practice the written examination is to time yourself through your studies. There are 100 questions on the National Board examination and this portion of the test must be finished in a ninety-minute period of time.

6)      An essential portion of the examination is sterilization of your equipment. Therefore, you must know how to keep your equipment sterilized, as well as your hands and your workstation.

7)      In order to prevent missing points on your examination, make sure the materials you use end up inside the trash bin and not next to it because points will be deducted for this.

8)      If your cosmetology school offers any comprehensive National Board or State Board examination preparation courses or workshops, take advantage of them. Often times, when students clock in a certain amount of hours, their school will allow them to participate in a mock board examination.

9)      Do not forget to bring your picture identification, as well as your equipment during the day of the examination. You must know the examinations guidelines, which are comprehensive and contain many specifics. For example, according to the National Board examination, students must bring a mannequin head to the exam.

10)  Do not be too hard on yourself if you do not pass the examination on your first try. For those who pass one portion of the examination, they have one year to pass the second portion. There is no limitations to how many times a student can retake the examination.

After graduating from cosmetology school and getting a job, you’ll probably spend hours standing, cutting, combing, styling, blow-drying, and painting nails. These activities are simple to some, but other students have mentioned wanting to cry out in pain at the end of each day. Research some advice from other cosmetology students about how you can get into shape gradually through consistent exercise programs and routines. It is also important to ensure you are receiving enough nutrients and hydration throughout the day.

3 thoughts on “10 Must Know Tips From Previous Cosmetology Students

  1. My sister want to go to beauty school and is hoping to start his fall. I really like all these tips and think a lot of them are good things to start doing now before she even gets close to the exam. I also like your tip to take advantage of practice tests. If her school doesn’t offer this is there somewhere else she can get this practice? Thanks!

  2. I’m currently attending cosmetology school. And I find these tips to be very helpful. These are things that my school has us do. I’m very close to being done. I haven’t taken my written test yet, I’m a little nervous but I’m going to do it.

  3. These are great tips for me! I graduate this semester and i’m so nervous to take my boards soon, but I know ill be just fine!! Will definitely keep these in the back of my mind.

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