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Characteristics of a Top Esthetician School in Austin, TX

If you’re looking for esthetician schools in Austin TX, you’d be spoilt for choice because there are quite a few but before you choose the first school you see, you should take a look at traits of a good esthetician school.


Accredited schools are governed by curriculum requirements set by the Department of Education which means that the quality of education is at par with standards. Accredited schools also make it possible for students to get scholarships and other financial assistance programs.


The best esthetics schools will prepare their students for their board exams. This means focusing on teaching students what skills they need to get a license based on unique rules set by the state. Top esthetic schools know what the state board requires and they integrate these into their schools’ curriculum. A solid background of the skills needed to pass the licensing exam will make things easier for students to get their esthetician license.

Training Programs

A good cosmetology school or esthetics school should provide different types of training programs for their students beyond basic skin care and hair styling depending on what these students would like to focus on. But aside from the tricks of the trade, a good school should also prepare their students with business skills before they enter the industry.

Hands-On Experience

Like in any industry, there is a need for you to apply what you have learned from your esthetics classes before you start your career as an esthetician. Whether the school’s philosophy focuses on providing traditional beauty therapies or medical spa, a good school should have a facility that enables its students to practice on their craft.

Cosmetology Instructors Working In The Industry

Up-to-date knowledge is important especially in the ever-changing world of esthetics. Because of technological advancements, there are a number of new gadgets and techniques that every esthetician-to-be has to learn to use. Having instructors who are active in the esthetics industry means they are still at the top of their game. Keeping abreast with trends in the industry is important for the overall learning experience of students.

Solid Alumni Association

An esthetics school with an alumni association can mean a lot of things. One is that they may help you in your search for a job and the most important of all, even before you enroll in a specific school in Austin, you will see where these graduates are today. While hard work and one’s skills are factors that come into play in terms of succeeding in any industry, the school one comes from is also vital because this is where you learn all the skills you will be needing when you’re a practicing esthetician.

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