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How Long Does Cosmetology School in Texas Take?

cosmetology school in TexasIt takes between 1000 hours to complete a typical cosmetology course in an accredited cosmetology school in Texas.  Students attending the Hybrid Cosmetology Program at Avenue Five Institute take approximately nine months to graduate.  Of course, the actual course duration in terms of days and weeks depends on several factors, including the specific school, mode of study (part-time or full-time), and type of certification. In some states, licensing boards determine the training hours for students to attain certification. However, many cosmetology schools in Texas fix their coursework timeframes to suit the needs of their students.

Courses Offered At A Cosmetology School in Texas

A typical cosmetology course consists of several core units, including hairstyling, hair cutting, hair coloring, skincare, make-up, nail technology (manicure and pedicure), and business training and professional development. Here is an outline of how these courses vary in terms of study duration:

Hairstyling, Haircutting, and Coloring

A good cosmetologist should know how to style hair. For this reason, part of their education and training encompasses hair types, natural hair waves, shapes, and sculpture curls. Additionally, beauty school helps students improve their hand and finger dexterity and boosts their creativity to develop innovative hair designs and patterns. Students also learn how to use different hair care implements, such as roller sets and pin curls. 

The hair-cutting course unit aims to introduce students to different hair-trimming tools and teach them different haircutting techniques. As such, students typically learn how to set up, identify, and use haircutting tools safely. They also learn the intricacies of cutting hair, such as referencing, defining elevations, cutting lines, sectioning, and styling. Furthermore, students learn how to blow dry hair using the wrap technique and use flat, curling, and Marcel hair irons properly. 

The hair coloring unit aims to teach students about hair coloring, hair color products, product formulation, stages of hair lightening, foils, and hair color systems. Students generally learn the basic principles of color theory and mixing and their relation to hair color. They also learn about color levels and tones, including the four basic categories of hair color. Some of the other things students are likely to learn in this course include stages of hair lightening, hair coloring techniques, hair color products, hair lightening procedures, and caveats.

Skin Care and Makeup

The topics covered under this core unit include skin care products, makeup application, facials, skin types, facial massages, leg waxing, hair removal, and brow shaping. Students learn about skin structure and safety procedures to avoid common skin problems. Moreover, students usually receive training on hair removal procedures using esthetician equipment and tools such as tweezers, waxing equipment, and brow shaping tools. Additionally, beauticians learn about facials, face massages, face shapes, and choosing the right makeup. 

In conclusion, the duration of a typical cosmetology course in Texas varies depending on many factors. For instance, students who register for part-time courses usually take longer to complete their courses than those who register for full-time lessons. The course duration will also depend on the complexity of the training. Nevertheless, Avenue Five Insitute, a Texas college of cosmetology, aims to equip students with the knowledge to obtain licensing and ultimately work in the beauty industry as certified professionals.

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