If you’re a high school graduate who would like to get some quick training in order to immediately qualify for a job, you might think about enrolling in a massage therapy school. Adults who are looking for a change in career, whether they have a medicinal background or not, might also consider enrolling in a massage therapy school. There is absolutely nothing wrong in having such a goal because after the course, there are many establishments that you can work for. This includes hotels, day spas, clinics, hospitals and similar establishments. You can also take pride in the fact that your line of work, which has something to do with bodies, has a healing and relaxing effect for your clients.
Before turning into a professional massage therapist, however, there are a few realities that you should be well aware of. Unfortunately for those who are considering establishing a career in reflexology or massage therapy, there are substandard schools out there. You might get the certification that you need, but not enough training or skills development to turn you into an excellent massage therapist. You might even stumble upon schools which, aside from conducting substandard training, do not even give students the number of hours in class as advertised. To steer clear of such institutions, you need to know how to recognize the good schools from the not-so-good ones, which we will learn more about here.
Tips for Students who are Looking for a Massage Therapy School
Here are the things that you need to remember if you would like to enrol in a good massage therapy school:
- Learn about the process of obtaining a certification as a massage therapist.
Before you can work in hotels, spas, clinics or hospitals, you need to earn certification as a massage therapist first. The requirements and standards vary depending on your state. There are also other schools that require students to learn about the basics of human anatomy and after getting the licence, for the therapist to continue taking course and training related to the field.
- When choosing a massage therapy school to enrol in, get feedback from actual students.
There are dozens of schools offering massage therapy classes, but not all are created equal. To make sure that you will be getting the training that you deserve, get feedback from actual students. Make a list of the schools which you are considering and dig up reviews or ask actual students about their experience in class.
- Pay the schools a visit.
Once you have a list of the schools, pay them a visit. If you want, you can even consider moving to another city or state if a specific school has an excellent reputation in massage therapy classes. Visit the school so that you can interview graduates or current students about their experience. The more thorough your research is, the easier you can make a final decision.
- Book a massage from graduates of the school that you are considering enrolling at.
It’s also a good idea to book a massage from graduates of the massage therapy school. If you have a great experience, it’s possible that the skills development in that school is excellent. You can also grab the opportunity to ask the therapist about his or her experience with the school. If you get an enthusiastic recommendation, the school should be good.
- Additional tips when looking for a massage therapy school.
If you’re still hesitant, do some further research. If the state has a regulatory board, check if there have been any complaints filed against the institution. You can also check with the Better Business Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce or the State Department of Education. If there are any complaints filed against the school, you really should think twice before enrolling in their massage therapy classes.
After making a final decision and enrolling in your massage therapy school, be a keen observer and see to it that the classes or the number of hours are as advertised. Log the hours that you spend in school, the subjects that you took and the name of the instructor. If all seems well, all that’s left for you to do is study hard and develop your skills that will prepare you for a long, lucrative career as a professional massage therapist.