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The Importance of Attending an Accredited Beauty School

accredited beauty schoolThe most important aspect of choosing a cosmetology school is ensuring that the school is accredited by the accreditation body in your region. This is important for many reasons, primarily because attending a school that is not accredited can jeopardize your future as a cosmetologist. Being accredited, in short, means that the school’s curriculum has been approved and that it covers all of the topics necessary to pass the state board exam.

Accredited Schools and Schedules

For some students, it may not seem possible to meet the stringent attendance requirements at a traditional cosmetology school. Instead, they consider one of a number of online schools that have popped up. When looking at these schools, though, it is important to remember how much accreditation matters. You are probably better off looking into alternative class schedules or online courses offered by a traditional beauty school that is accredited in your state.

In fact, most cosmetology schools and community colleges today offer both day and night time classed. You may even be allowed to attend a combination of these classes, if necessary. Some also offer online classes. This is especially true of basic coursework. Utilizing these flexible options should make it possible for a traditional, accredited beauty school to fit into your schedule.

Paying for Your Education

Perhaps one of the first things you will notice about an unaccredited school is that they do not offer federal financial aid. A school must be regionally accredited before their students are eligible for federal grants or other government-administered financial aid. If you attend an accredited school, you may qualify for a number of need-based grants such as the Pell grant. Some of these schools also offer their own scholarship programs and have financial aid offices that can help you find private scholarships. At unaccredited schools, you may be able to find limited financial aid from the school itself, but you will not be eligible for other assistance.

Getting Your License

Most states require a student to graduate from an accredited cosmetology school before they can sit for the licensing exam. Because you cannot practice your trade without this license, beauty school accreditation becomes paramount at this point. If you didn’t attend an accredited school, you will have to take additional coursework from another school before you can test for your license. This means you have wasted both time and money. Instead, you should make sure that your school is accredited from the beginning. By doing this, you can ensure that you will qualify for board testing after graduation.

Avenue Five Institute is an accredited beauty school in Austin. The school’s curriculum meets all requirements set forth by the Texas state cosmetology board, and can provide you with a great foundation for a successful career in the beauty field.

One thought on “The Importance of Attending an Accredited Beauty School

  1. It’s great that you talked about how the most important aspect of choosing a cosmetology school is ensuring that the school is accredited by the accreditation body in your region. It looks like my little sister wants to pursue a career in cosmetology and she is now looking for a place where she could start. In my opinion, I think she should go to an institution that offers a beauty school program first.

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