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What Type of License Do You Need to Become a Hair Stylist in Austin, TX?

If you’re looking to become a hair stylist in Texas, then you likely have a number of questions and concerns about the process of getting certified and the hair stylist license requirements in Texas. Like all states in the U.S., Texas requires that stylists are licensed before they can legally provide services to customers. Although there can be differences from state to state, since each state has its own cosmetology board, most generally require that stylists undergo training based on a set course of instruction, pass an exam, and maintain certification by complying with rules that are set out for all hair stylists. This is true in Texas, where stylists are governed by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

Hair Stylist License Requirements in Texas

Requirements for licensing as a hair stylist in Texas are fairly straightforward. Candidates wishing to become stylists must first complete their high school education and obtain a diploma, or the candidate can complete a General Education Equivalency (GED) diploma instead. The would-be hair stylist would then need to complete a state-approved frame of coursework at a licensed cosmetology school. Most schools require applicants to be at least 16 years of age; others may require that the applicant be 18. Community colleges, technical schools, and trade schools usually offer these types of programs, and there are a number of independent beauty schools to choose from as well. One of the beauty schools offering cutting edge training is Avenue Five Institute.

In addition, there are some public high schools in Texas that offer vocational programs that lead to a cosmetology degree while the student is still attending high school classes. Although the student usually cannot complete the entire course curriculum in high school, the student can finish the program after high school is completed. A total of 1000 hours of classroom instruction is required before the student can take the licensing exam, depending on the type of program that the student is attending.

Maintaining Licensure

Once a hair stylist is licensed, the state of Texas requires that the student complete continuing education module in order to maintain certification. Under current state law, Texas hair stylists are required to complete six hours of continuing education every two years in order to maintain their license. There is an exception to this rule, however. Stylists aged 65 and older who have held a license for at least 15 years must only take a one-hour course in sanitation. Continuing education is offered at most beauty schools, online through approved providers, and at hair shows that can be attended by stylists, provided the hair show is an approved show. All stylists must meet the continuing education hair stylist license requirements to continue operating as a stylist, although there is an 18-month grace period for license renewal.

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