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May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Be a Part of the Skin Cancer Awareness Month at Austin Beauty School

If you’ve long been part of the beauty industry or have just gotten out of an Austin, TX beauty school, then you should be aware that there’s more to your profession than just acquiring as many clients as possible. Not only is it your responsibility to make your clients look good and feel good about themselves, but you should also add the extra value of teaching them how to care for their skin.

Let’s say that you have a client who is concerned about an abnormal skin growth, which she showed you while you were doing her makeup. You should definitely refer her to a medical professional. For others who you simply would like to make aware of the dangers of melanoma or skin cancer, there’s always the American Cancer Society to help out.

Almost every month, there is a cancer-related awareness program sponsored or supported by the ACS, including these:

  • January – National Cervical Health Awareness Month
  • February 4 – World Cancer Day
  • March – National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
  • April – Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
  • May – Bladder Cancer/Brain Tumor Awareness Month; Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month
  • August 1 – World Lung Cancer Day
  • September – Gynecologic/Leukemia/Ovarian/Prostate/Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month
  • October – National Liver/Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • November – Lung/Neuroendocrine/Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

How Can those in the Beauty Industry Help Spread Skin Cancer Awareness?

As you can see from the list, May is considered as the Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month. If you’re a graduate of a beauty school in Austin, TX or any other beauty school in the area, it’s up to you to make your would-be clients aware of the dangers of this disease.

So what is skin cancer in the first place and how can it be prevented. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin cancer or melanoma is the most common type of cancer in the US and is caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays. If you work at a day spa or beauty salon, remember that the UV rays coming from those sunlamps or tanning booths which create a tanning effect may also cause skin cancer.

Fortunately, early detection can prevent it from developing further into melanoma, which is the most dangerous kind of skin cancer. As part of the beauty industry, here’s what you can do to help spread awareness about skin cancer:

  • Even if you sound like a broken record, constantly remind all your clients to use sunscreen on their skin. It should be part of their beauty regimen, especially when going out during the summer. Remind them to also steer clear of direct sun rays, especially from 10 am to 4 pm.
  • Teach your clients how to choose makeup products which already have sun protection formulas incorporated in them.
  • If you see a spot somewhere on your client’s skin while doing their makeup, encourage them to seek medical advice. Again, early detection is key so keep a close eye on these things when providing professional makeup service to your clients.

Beauty professionals and graduates of an Austin, TX beauty school would do well to remember these tips to help spread awareness about skin cancer.

If you’re passionate about skincare, then consider attending our esthetics school in Austin! Check out our Esthetics Program today!
