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What Everyone Ought to Know About Summer Cosmetology Classes

If you plan on becoming a cosmetologist or stylist, summer cosmetology classes are a great way to get licensed or build experience. Many cosmetology schools offer classes in the summer, as that is usually the easiest season to dedicate a lot of time to learning. It is important to note who the classes are for, admission requirements, costs, the curriculum, and the duration of the course.

Who Should Take Summer Cosmetology Classes?

Anyone who is interested in becoming a hair stylist or a cosmetologist should consider taking a cosmetology course at some point. The minimum age for attending these classes varies by state. For example, California’s minimum age is 17, while Massachusetts’s is 16 . As far as prerequisites, most states require a high school diploma, while others only require an eighth grade education.

The Curriculum

The curriculum for a summer cosmetology program varies by school. Cosmetology is a demanding field, so although you may start in the summer, you may have to continue throughout the year. The curriculum normally includes topics such as hair design and theory, hair care, makeup techniques, skin care, and proper procedures for coloring, highlighting, perms, and other styles. Other classes may include topics such as phone and business etiquette, safety, and nail care.

The Costs

The costs for these classes vary by school. The costs of attending these classes will include an application fee, books, tuition, parking, equipment fees, a health fee, and other costs that may be added on depending on the school. Cosmetology classes will not cost as much as attending a standard college or university, but the costs will be high enough for people to qualify for financial aid.


The duration of the classes will vary by college, but most classes will be a few hours a day. How long you will have to take these classes depends on how many credit hours need to be completed to take the test. This varies by states, but most states require a minimum of 1600 credit hours.

Admission Requirements for Summer Cosmetology Classes

Admission requirements will vary by school, but most schools require you to complete and submit an online application. You will also need a high school transcript or GED test results to show that you have at least completed high school. Some of the fields on the application include name, address, date of birth, field of interest, and highest level of education completed.

Cosmetology classes are a great way to build experience and become a certified hair stylist, manicurist, or skin care professional. Classes in the summer are especially convenient for most prospective cosmetologists to attend. Summer cosmetology classes can be very beneficial to future cosmetologists and anyone who wants to go into a similar career.

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