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Little Known Facts About Esthetician Training

esthetician trainingThere’s no better way to kick-start your career as an esthetician than by receiving comprehensive esthetician training that enables you to specialize in this field. As a professional esthetician, you’ll provide skincare services such as facials and exfoliation treatments, body wraps, hair removal, skin analysis, makeup application and more. Through a good training course, you’ll develop the knowledge and skills required to obtain a license and establish a challenging and profitable career.

Qualifications for Esthetician Training in Austin

Most states require that you be at least 17 years old to enter a training program. In addition, you must have a  high school diploma or passed your GED.

Beauty industry careers such as esthetician offer many opportunities for individuals who have a genuine interest and liking for their profession. Before enrolling in full time training, you may want to learn more about this profession and what it entails. You can view a professional esthetician in action by visiting a local salon or spa. You can even discuss career options with him or her to get a better feel for this field.

The next step would be to research training programs in your area and compare requirements, curriculum and cost. You can find full or part time programs in cosmetology schools, trade schools and some community colleges. Choosing an accredited program from the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences may offer greater benefits towards establishing your career.

What’s Involved in Esthetician Training?

The curriculum, quality of your training and duration of your program will depend on the school you choose. Certificate programs may range anywhere from 6-12 months, sufficient to meet the licensing requirements of the state where you live.

Your training program will consist of classes and practical on-the-job training in a real salon or spa environment. Coursework may include studies in:

  • Nutrition
  • Anatomy
  • Esthetician theory
  • Facial treatments
  • Hair removal
  • Skin analysis
  • Skin treatments such as microdermabrasion, aromatherapy, glycolic peels, enzyme therapy, etc.
  • Color theory and others.

Your program should also include business courses in marketing, bookkeeping and management so you can learn skills that will benefit you if you want to start your own business in the future.

Upon completion of your program, you will need to pass a written and practical exam from the state where you live in order to obtain a license to practice your profession. Most cosmetology schools offer graduates help in finding a job; otherwise, you can start looking for employment opportunities in spas, salons and resorts in your area. Be open to working as an apprentice in the beginning to acquire more experience and to hone your skills.

How to Succeed as an Esthetician

Esthetician training programs provide you with the basics of the trade to kick-start your career. The “real” training begins once you obtain employment. You can become proficient in this field quickly if you are open to learning from veteran professionals in your workplace. The following tips can also enhance your training and help you establish a more successful career.

  • Develop good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Exude a professional appearance to reflect your professional skills.
  • Determine what services you perform best and become an expert in these areas.

Learn retailing skills so you can sell essential products your clients need. Become familiar with various beauty products and promote those you feel offer the best results. You can even try them out in advance so you can speak from experience.

As you gain experience and grow in your profession, you’ll be able to truly capitalize on your esthetician training to develop a prosperous career.

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