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How to Become a Cosmetologist in Texas

Cosmetologist in Texas working on a client's forehead.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that cosmetology is an occupation that’s a bit higher in demand than the average job occupational field, with a 13% projected growth in demand for cosmetologists between 2012 and 2022, higher than the 11 percent increase for all occupations as a whole. As more spas and salons open across Texas, those who have an interest in cosmetology can easily find work after completing the educational and licensing requirements necessary to work in this field.

Education Requirements to Become a Cosmetologist

The rest of your training is likely to take place on-the-job, meeting the requirements of your employer, although you will likely be expected to hold your own without significant investments of time and effort by your employer. Continuing education classes help cosmetologists keep up with the latest trends, looks and treatments in the field, ensuring their skills remain marketable as their career progresses.

Job Outlook

Texas has the fifth-highest level of employment for cosmetologists, State-sponsored post-secondary schools provide the basic training and education for students who want to become cosmetologists after they complete high school. A few high schools do offer the choice of taking vocational courses, but the vast majority of curriculum takes place at post-secondary schools.

Courses teach the basics of beauty and skin care, including different types of skin treatments and make-up, as well as courses that teach how to take care of nails. Basic business and customer service skills are also taught to help you deal with that side of the industry.

Licensing and Training

The Texas Board of Cosmetology requires that you have 1,000 hours of experience before earning an operator license to work in the industry. The exam to earn licensing involves both a written and a practical test. This license must be renewed every two years.

Since the demand for cosmetology is set to increase over the next decade, there’s never been a better time to enter the industry with an eye on gaining experience before opening your own spa or salon. Running your own cosmetology business gives you the chance to significantly increase the amount of income you can generate in this field, making the most out of your investment in this field.

Are You Interested in Becoming a Cosmetologist?

Does a career in beauty interest you? If yes, Avenue Five can help. Our admissions department is readily available to answer your questions and help in any way. The cosmetology industry is growing. In fact, jobs are expected to be plentiful, at least until 2022. Therefore, if you’re in Texas and want to become a cosmetologist, Avenue Five is the place to start.

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