Are you considering entering the fabulous cosmetology industry? If so, you might be wondering just how big the cosmetology industry really is, and what is the job outlook for people attending cosmetology school in Austin right now? We’ve got you covered with the latest cosmetology industry statistics. Skip to main content

Important Cosmetology Industry Statistics

Cosmetology Industry - male hairdresser applies color to client's hair

Are you considering entering the fabulous cosmetology industry? If so, you might be wondering just how big the cosmetology industry really is, and what is the job outlook for people attending cosmetology school in Austin right now? We’ve got you covered with the latest cosmetology industry statistics.

What is the Cosmetology Industry?

The cosmetology industry covers barbers and hairstylists, along with a range of other beauty service providers including makeup artists, estheticians, and nail care professionals.

Cosmetology Industry - self-employed cosmetologist works on bride's hair before wedding


Blow-dry bars are also fueling the industry, with a twenty-five percent growth in revenues in 2017.

Kickstart Your Future at Avenue Five Institute

A job in the cosmetology industry is exciting and offers a whirlwind of unique opportunities. It all begins when you enroll in Cosmetology School.

Avenue Five Institute offers two vibrant locations, one in North Austin and one in South Austin. Our hands-on cosmetology program has so much to offer, learn more or book a tour at one or both campuses – we look forward to meeting you!



