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4 Telltale Signs of a Top Cosmetology School

The beauty industry’s rapid growth is creating plenty of opportunities. If you have always wanted to make a career out of styling, then there’s really no better time to do it than now. Enroll in a training program to acquire a high level of expertise, boost your confidence, and meet the right people may help you succeed. Here are some tips on picking a top cosmetology school:


Do a lot of research online to check out the various facilities present inside the schools. For instance, having a good on-campus salon where students can do hands-on training would be ideal. This would allow you to gain experience in handling actual clients even before you graduate. However, there is no substitute for an actual campus visit. Tour the school grounds to get a feel for the learning environment. See how the classes are conducted and what kind of support the students are receiving. Soak up the creative vibe and choose based on where you feel most at home.

Beauty School Instructors

Check out the roster of instructors and find out as much as you can about each of them. What qualifications do they have? Where did they study? How long have they been working in the industry? Cosmetology schools are very careful in selecting their faculty members. After all, these people are the real bedrock of the institution. The best instructors are professionals who have accumulated varied experiences in their long careers. Many have worked around the world in fashion houses, modeling agencies, international salons, and more. Some schools even invite well-known industry gurus to share tips and provide inspiration to the students.


Every year, numerous awards are given out to the top cosmetology schools in recognition of their excellence. Students can also win in competitions organized by prestigious establishments like the Vidal Sassoon Academy and the Professional Beauty Association. Awards may not be everything when it comes to learning but they do provide an indication of how competitive a program is, especially if the accolades are pouring in quite consistently. It’s clear that the school must be doing something right to amass such achievements.


Look at the curriculum being offered in a school and compare it with that of others. How do they differ? Which subjects are the same? Are they arranged in a logical manner? There is a good chance that the core curriculum of most institutions will appear  similar but a few will stand out. For instance, some schools add units on business training so that their students can have a broader perspective of the industry. They will not just be highly skilled stylists but also clever businessmen who know how to deal with clients and are able to set up their own salon if they wish.

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