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Factors Affecting the Cost of Cosmetology School

The cost of cosmetology school can range from $4,500 – $36,000 a year for accredited educational institutions.  Non-accredited schools may charge less, but there are several disadvantages that may make non-accredited schools more costly in the long run.

How much you end up paying for cosmetology school depends on a number of factors including the amount of financial aid you receive, whether you choose to attend an accredited school or not, if you choose a private or public college, and your choice of program.

Accredited vs. Non-accredited

Traditionally, accredited schools charge more than non-accredited ones.  At a glance, trade schools that offer non-accredited cosmetology courses look cheaper, however, it is possible to enroll in a cheaper non-accredited course and end up paying more than an accredited one.  How is that possible?  Accredited schools offer students government financial aid, while most trade schools cannot.  Financial aid can go a long way in reducing the overall cost of cosmetology school.

Other factors come into play when it comes to choosing between accredited and non-accredited programs.  These factors include: the validity of program, its reputation, and its authority to provide you with recognized certification.  Carefully consider the debate from an objective perspective and be sure you know the consequences of what you are signing up for.

Financial Aid

Government financial aid can reduce the cost of cosmetology school by giving you grants — money for school that you do not have to pay back, student loans, and work-study opportunities.  Most government grants are need based.  That means it is based on your ability to pay for school.  If you can demonstrate need, you may receive a Pell grant of up to $5,500 per year for tuition and school books.  You might also be able to procure State sponsored need-based grants.

Even if you are not eligible for grants, subsidized and unsubsidized Federal loans can go a long way in helping you pay for cosmetology school. Often, you can pay for your tuition and books for your entire degree program solely with government loans.  The advantage is that you do not have to repay them while you are in enrolled at least part-time in school.  This can help you pay for cosmetology school if you do not have money saved up for college. Bear in mind that government aid is usually only available for accredited degree programs.

Private schools, depending on their reputation, generally cost more than public schools.  State schools that offer accredited degrees in cosmetology can cost as little as $4500 per year for tuition while most Ivy league colleges charge upwards of $30,000.

The cost of cosmetology school also depends on your choice of program. Certain programs cost more than others, therefore, you should consider the type of program you want to take.

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