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What You Ought To Know About Cosmetology Licensing in Texas

Cosmetologists are in the business of beauty. They make their clients look and feel beautiful. When deciding to become a cosmetologist, it is important to know the procedures of cosmetology licensing in Texas. The requirements for a cosmetology license differs from state to state.

Cosmetology License Requirements

If you want to get your cosmetology license in Texas, you must first enroll in an approved, accredited school. In order to obtain a cosmetology license, students are required to have 1000 hours of training, depending on the program that you are enrolled in.  Before you are eligible to enroll in a cosmetology school, you must have either a high school diploma or its equivalent. Cosmetology students must be at least 16 years old.

Renewing Your Cosmetology License

If your license expires, you have up to 18 months to renew it. If your license has been expired for over 3 years, you would be required to apply for a new license.

Cosmetology Continuing Education

After you become a licensed cosmetologist, it is necessary to continue training in order to keep your license. In Texas, 6 hours of continuing education in department approved courses are required. These courses consist of 2 hours of sanitation, 2 hours of rules and law addressing topics other than sanitation, and 2 hours of various other topics. You will not be eligible to renew your license until these courses have been completed.

Taking the Cosmetology License Exam

In order to receive your cosmetology license, you are required to take a written exam and a practical exam. If you are in a program which requires 1000 hours, you can take your written test after you have completed 900 hours. 

When it comes to the practical portion of the exam, you are required to have completed all of the training hours before you can take the exam. If you do not show up for either exam, you will be forced to forfeit your examination fee.

After receiving your cosmetology license, you can work as a hair stylist, colorist, nail technician, or a makeup artist. 

If you would like to become a cosmetologist, contact us today to talk to one of our admission counselors. He will guide you through the entire application process and answer any questions you might have.

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