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Why Getting Fired from a 9-5 Can Be the Best Thing to Ever Happen

An upset office worker, holding her head as she is getting fired. Now she is looking into going to beauty school.

The 9-5 Grind

The nine-to-five workday is one of the most common schedules that most people commit to when they enter the workforce. The vast majority of workers begin their day at seven or eight in the morning, rising to get ready for their commute to an office or other workplace.

During the eight hours they spend at work, most employees receive a couple a brief breaks and a slightly longer lunch break that gives them enough time to scarf down some food before returning to work.

When five o’clock rolls around, people rush home to enjoy a little bit of free time sandwiched in between domestic chores, before starting the routine again the next morning.

While this form of employment works fine for many, a growing number of people prefer breaking free of this routine in search of a better work/life balance or greater opportunity.

Termination Can Be a Blessing in Disguise

When people get stuck into a 9-5 routine that doesn’t really help make their lives better, it can be difficult to get out of the routine without feeling as if you’re leaving a good opportunity behind. In cases where you find it difficult to leave, having an employer fire you can give you a much-needed push to move on to better things.

Instead of toiling long hours for short benefits, you’re able to switch into a career that provides more satisfaction, increased pay and flexible hours. Often, these sort of positions require training that would be impossible to attend when stuck at a 9-5.

In the case of beauty careers, post-secondary institutions and colleges are often one of the first steps that one must take before switching into this industry. Considering the latest trends in the beauty industry, investing in this type of training looks to provide benefits for those entering these occupations over the next decade or so.

The High Demand For Beauty

One of the biggest benefits of no longer working at your 9-5 gig is the ability to take advantage of employment trends that result in opportunities simply unavailable at most regular jobs.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates that the growth in labor demand for the beauty industry will remain strong until and possibly beyond 2022. Demand for cosmetology work is slated to grow by 13% while skincare jobs will increase by 40%. Massage therapy is another growth industry, slated to grow by 23% in the same period of time.

The sheer demand for these types of workers leads not only to a great variety of opportunities, but also to the opportunity to create your own business and working hours. Institutes such as Avenue Five provide education that help you with the first step in transitioning from a 9-5 into a career that matches your needs.

Ready to Ditch Your 9-5 Job for a Beauty Career?

While a 9-5 job might be great for some people, it can be an obstacle for others. If you want to try out something different, why not consider a career in beauty? You get to set your own working hours, do something that you actually enjoying doing, and after sometime, you can even open your own salon and be your own boss. In order to enjoy the perks, you must first enroll in a beauty school and take the course of your choice.

At Avenue Five, our beauty programs have been strategically designed based on the proven working knowledge of master educators and beauty industry professionals, who remain connected to current trends, techniques and products. For more information, please contact us today, or schedule a tour of our beauty school, and begin your journey in beauty!

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