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What You Need to Know about Scalp Massage

When men get haircuts from traditional barbers, they usually get treated to a head and scalp massage as well. This is one of the most soothing experiences that you will have because there are some nerve endings on the scalp and head which, when stimulated through a massage, can be utterly relaxing. Whether you are getting a scalp massage from a professional therapist, hair stylist or barber, there are many benefits that you will enjoy from it. Find out what these benefits are in the next section.


What is Scalp Massage?


First, let’s take a quick look at the basics and history of a scalp massage. The practice of manipulating the nerve endings on the head and scalp can be traced back to ancient India, where Ayuverdic or holistic medicine is being practiced. Back then, it was believed that applying massage strokes on the head help calm the muscle tension around the area. Many Indian women administered head or scalp massages to family members as part of their weekly ritual. It’s said to prevent stress and illness.


However, the scalp massages during the time of the ancient Indians were more elaborate. With an Ayuverdic scalp massage, it is not just the head and the scalp that is being stroked but also the face, neck, back and shoulders. Close attention is given to the base of the scalp, the temple, the sides of the head, chin, forehead, the main hairline, neck, shoulders and spinal area.

The Many Benefits of Scalp Massage

Next, what are the benefits of a scalp massage? Take a look at the following list:

  • It helps with utter relaxation.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, scalp massages help increase the production of serotonin and endorphins in the body. This helps put people in a better frame of mind, reduces stress and creates an environment for utter relaxation.


  • It helps relieve pain.

If you’re experiencing any kind of pain, a scalp massage can help relieve it by improving circulation and eliminating the tension in the muscles. This is precisely the reason why you rub your own temples when you’re having a headache, to ease away the pain.


  • It helps eliminate stiff neck.

If you are suffering from stiff neck due to using the computer all day or sleeping with your head in the wrong angle, a scalp massage will work wonders to eliminate the pain.


  • When scalp brushes are used, you can perform a scalp massage yourself without the need to book for an appointment with a professional.

If you aren’t up for a haircut yet or if you don’t have time to book a professional massage, you can use a brush to massage your own scalp and head. There are scalp massage brushes available in the market that you can use, so that you can work on stimulating those nerves even without the help of a professional masseur or masseuse.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why it pays to go through regular scalp massages. Buy a scalp brush and do it yourself, or have a professional do it for you.




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