Long, Long Ago… The earliest known literature on acupuncture and acupressure originated from the Jin Dynasty of the 3rd century A.D. The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion was published by clinician Huang-fu Mi and provided the building block for modern day Eastern medicine. In fact, the most common Eastern medicinal practices we are familiar
The Effects of Massage Therapy on Anxiety
We Are All a Little Anxious. According to a 2020 Pew Research study, one-third of Americans suffered from heightened levels of psychological distress as a result of COVID-19. The federal stay-at-home orders, social distancing requirements, mask mandates, and varying state orders paired with the volatile coronavirus case numbers are particularly troublesome for those who suffer
How to Use Pressure Points for Pain Relief
Using pressure points for pain relief is an important part of massage therapy. After all, pressure points have been identified as useful in treating a variety of pain and ailments in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Indian Ayurveda, and Siddha medicine. What is a Pressure Point? Your body is covered in pressure points – which are referred
How To Honor Your Calling
The ideal way to live a truly fulfilled and happy existence is to honor your true calling. Easier said than done, especially if you’re not quite sure what your true calling is or how to go about achieving it. How can we align who we are with what we do? We would love to help
What is Myofascial Release Therapy?
Myofascial Release Therapy is a common technique used in massage therapy. It is focused on relieving tension caused by tight and inflexible myofascial tissues, which can result from past injuries, inflammation, surgical procedures or trauma. As a Massage Therapy School in Austin, Texas, we incorporate myofascial release therapy into our curriculum as it is a
What is Trigger Point Massage Therapy?
Trigger point massage therapy is focused on relieving areas of pain by massaging trigger points. It involves applying specialized pressure to release areas of tension and muscle knots. Trigger points are knots in your muscles that cause pain throughout the body. For instance, tight muscles in your neck can cause a dull or sharp pain
What Makes a Good Massage Therapist? 5 of the Most Important Qualities
What makes a good massage therapist? This is a question many of our students ask when they begin massage therapy school. There are certain qualities in a massage therapist that can make them stand out against the competition, causing clients to seek them out and stick with them over the years. First and foremost, it’s
Massage Therapy Schools in Austin: 5 Questions That’ll Help You Find the Right Program for You
Enrolling in massage therapy school in Austin is a big (and exciting) endeavor, but it’s also a huge (and important) decision. The program that you choose can impact the course of your education, as well as your future career. Some schools will naturally offer a better fit than others, so you want to take time
How to Succeed as a Massage Therapist: 6 Inspiring Tips from Licensed Massage Therapists
Want to know how to succeed as a massage therapist? It starts by enrolling in massage therapy school, earning a solid education and gaining hands-on experience, but it doesn’t stop there. We talked to several Avenue Five Institute graduates who now work full time as massage therapists to discuss their careers and how their education
Massage Therapy School: 5 Things You Should Expect to Learn
Are you wondering what you can expect to learn by enrolling in a massage therapy school in Austin? The answer to that question varies based upon where you enroll, how long courses are, and what it intends to offer. No two schools offer the same exact curriculum or field of experience. Therefore, it’s up to