We Are All a Little Anxious. According to a 2020 Pew Research study, one-third of Americans suffered from heightened levels of psychological distress as a result of COVID-19. The federal stay-at-home orders, social distancing requirements, mask mandates, and varying state orders paired with the volatile coronavirus case numbers are particularly troublesome for those who suffer
massage training school
Interviewing for a Massage Therapist Position? Here’s What You Need to Know
If you think that all job interviews are created equal, think again. There are certain job positions which require more than just an individual sitting on the other side of the desk, being asked questions by the interviewer. This is precisely the case when you’re applying for a position as a massage therapist. Let’s say
The Basics of Giving a Hand Massage
When getting a massage, the upper and lower parts of the body are always worked on. The hands, however, are typically ignored. This is a big mistake because the hand is probably the most overworked parts of the body. No matter what the nature of your job is, you are bound to use your hands.
How Do I Administer a Hot Stone Massage?
When you look up images for a spa or a relaxing massage, you will usually see the picture of a person lying down on his or her stomach, with four or more dark stones lined up at the back. This is called a hot stone massage, and has become the ultimate representation of spa relaxation
Reasons to Treat Yourself to a Massage Session this Holiday Season
With Thanksgiving signalling the start of the holiday season, that is also when the stress of the upcoming events would crop up. Right after Thanksgiving dinner, you might want to join in the shopping craze during Black Friday and Cyber Monday so that you can get great prizes on goods while completing your Christmas gifts
What are the Five Most Popular Massage Therapy Techniques?
Massage therapists work in hotels, day spas, resorts, clinics, hospitals and a host of other venues. These professionals usually complete a twelve-month study and training program to prepare them for the job. What massage therapists do as professionals benefit a number of people including those who would like to relieve stress from their muscles after